The signs that only made sense in retrospect
You always knew. Maybe you were in denial? Maybe you kept it a secret because others wouldn’t believe you. And now you don’t have to hide.
You always had a nagging sensation deep in your chest. What did you used to think it was? What did you used to do to try to feel right?
How were you different from the other children? Was it how you looked? Was it how you behaved? Did you try to fit in? Did it work?
You thought yourself an outsider to your own home. Did other people actively make you feel unwelcome or was this a private feeling? In what ways did you feel alone? How did you deal with these feelings?
You always felt as though something was watching you but you could never find them. How old were you when you first realized they were watching? Did you ever figure out who or what it was?
Something was always wrong with the mirrors. It was as if there was a haze around your image. You know now this is the illusion spell to keep up your human appearance. What did you tell yourself when you were younger? Did others see it as well? What did they think it was? How did this affect your self image?
You couldn’t find something that made sense. Everything you put on felt wrong in a way that words couldn’t express. What was odd about your clothing choices? Were they the wrong pieces for your body parts? Gloves on your feet?Or wrong for the current season? How did people react?
The animals around you acted differently than other humans. How would wild animals react? And pets? Were they overly friendly or were you regarded as a danger?
A birthmark, overlapping toes, odd ears--some small physical attribute that a human would also have. This wasn’t anything of interest and by itself it would have never been an indicator, but when combined with the other aspects it’s clearly also a sign.
You were always throwing away milk or eggs. They all seemed to rot faster than normal in your presence. When did you first notice this was different from other households? Have you changed what you eat because of this?
You were at peace when you were surrounded by nature. What was your favorite environment? How was your connection to nature different from other people? How did this impact your interests?
You were always too good at something, supernaturally so. You were far better than your peers and impressed your teachers and others. What was it? Something artistic, technical, or perhaps interpersonal? Did you enjoy doing it or learn to hate it?
You did something once as a child that makes no sense. Was it something you actively did or was it a reaction to something that happened to you? Or perhaps you survived something that should have killed you.
You had heard of other Changelings, read a few stories, heard third hand accounts from people who didn’t understand, and one or two first hand experiences. But none of them matched your own. Why would you think you were one of them if your experience was so different? How was it different? What made you realize not everyone is the same?